Sunday, January 13, 2019

Deacon Kelly’s Homily from Saturday, January 12, 2019:

Why do we pray? 

Is it because only then does God hear us?  Is it because the more we pray the clearer God’s answer becomes?

Why should we pray?

God already knows what we need; God already knows our hearts, thoughts and prayers before we say one word.

So why should we pray?

Do we pray to get what we want from the Lord?

John the Baptist gives us a precious insight into how and why we should pray: He [Jesus] must increase and we must decrease.

There is an old saying [maybe even a prayer], there but for the grace of God go I.
We should pray there go I with the grace of God!

Take a few minutes today to reflect on your prayer life.
Do you want what God is offering you, or do you want what you want?

I suggest you follow John the Baptist’s lead by decreasing self, and allowing God to increase, then your prayer will be, “thy will be done!”

 May God Be Praised!

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