Friday, December 20, 2024

Blog Post 12-20-2024 - "O" Antiphon "The Key of David" & a Homily Offered at Our Lady of Perpetual Help's Las Posadas

The Roman Church has been singing the "O" Antiphons since at least the eighth century. They are the antiphons that accompany the Magnificat canticle of Evening Prayer from December 17-23.

They are a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament to proclaim the coming Christ as the fulfillment not only of Old Testament hopes, but present ones as well. Their repeated use of the imperative "Come!" embodies the longing of all for the Divine Messiah.”  [USCCB]

O Sapienta - “O Wisdom”

O Adonai– “O Adonai”

O radix Jesse - “O Flower of Jesse’s Stem”

O Clavis David - “O Key of David”

“O Key of David, opening the gates of God’s eternal Kingdom:

come and free the prisoners of darkness!”

O Oriens - “O Dawn of the East”

O Rex gentium - “O king of all the nations”

O Emmanuel - “O Emmanuel”

O Antiphon hymn -


Posadas, (Spanish: “The Inns”) a religious festival celebrated in Mexico and some parts of the United States between December 16 and 24. Las Posadas commemorates the journey that Joseph and Mary made from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a safe refuge where Mary could give birth to the baby Jesus.

Gospel of Luke: The Birth of Jesus

Homily [offered at OLPH - Religious Education Program Las Posadas]

“We celebrated Posadas [The Inns] which Commemorates the Journey of Mary and Joseph. Like Mary and Joseph we will experience many noes in our life but persistence in prayer will guide us to Jesus and that is the reason we are here on earth. As you celebrate Christmas this year remember Who is season is about – JESUS. Make room for Him”.

May God Be Praised.


 *Brother Mickey McGrath’s artwork is available at:





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