Thursday, August 1, 2024

Blog Post 8/01/2024 – Vacation Update


The 2024 Kelly Vacation was spent in Sunset Beach, N.C., it was blessed, beautiful and filled with laughter, love and memories to bring us back in July 2025.  God’s blessings were many, some of the most profound for me were my daughter-in-law’s continued [miraculous] recovery for her 2016 brain aneurysm, the growth of our grandchildren, the bond between and among our children and our daughters-in-law and son-in-law and the gift of my wonderful wife and best friend.

God’s message was simple and profound, “Give thanks for the blessings I have given you and your family."

Below are some family vacation pictures: family, grandchildren and Ice Cream for Dinner night.   


                                                                        May God Be Praised.

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