Saturday, July 13, 2024

Blog Post 7/13/2024 “Be Eccentric in Loving God”


In 1984 a short movie called “Umbrella Jack” was released, you can find it on YouTube:


In it boy named Billy befriends an eccentric old man, “Umbrella Jack”, who was a W.W. II veteran suffering from P.T.S.D. [Post Traumatic Stress Disorder].  He carried a tattered old umbrella, hence his name.  Several youngsters taunted him as a weird old man.  Billy was one of them, the short movie tells how and why Billy stopped participating in the taunts and befriended “Umbrella Jack”.  We are called to befriend the unloved and the unwanted.

The Holy Spirit filled the disciples, and they were thought to be “eccentric.”  Some people are afraid of the Holy Spirit, some people make fun of the Holy Spirit, some people try to ignore the Holy Spirit, and some allow the Holy Spirit to guide their lives. 

To be Catholic is to be a person of hope & of vision, a person who sees meaning in life in this world & promise beyond.”  [Fr. Michael Hayes]

For a few minutes, in silence, reflect on how you are using the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

May God Be Praised!


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