Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Blog Post 7/02/2024 – A Thought on Evolution



“I believe that the universe is in evolution, I believe that evolution proceeds toward spirit, I believe that spirit is fully realized in a form of personality, I believe that the supremely personal is the universal Christ."   

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

“Christ (the Word of God enfleshed) is the eternal cosmic thread connecting people to God and to each other.”  Deacon Kelly


Fr. Richard Rohr said, “The Cosmic Christ is First Incarnation – Creation and Jesus is the Personal Incarnation – Jesus.  We believe in the person of Jesus and the Christ of mystery."

Today, thoughts in the clouds and way beyond.


May God Be Praised.

*Brother Mickey McGrath’s artwork is available at: https://www.bromickeymcgrath.com/


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