Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Blog Post 4/24/2024 – Reconciliation God’s Gift to us.


Yesterday on my blog there as a picture of a bowl repaired by the Japanese art of kintsugi. Today it is displayed again.  Kintsugi is an art of precious scars and a parable of healing and reconciliation. 


The word kintsugi is made up of two Japanese words: “golden” and “repair.”  It’s the technique of repairing broken ceramics or pottery by joining the fragments together with liquid gold, liquid silver or lacquer dusted with powdered gold.


Through the art of kintsugi, what was once broken becomes whole again.   Jesus offers us the same in the Sacrament of Reconciliation [Penance], He calls us to allow His Grace to mend the broken within us.

We might think about someone who we need to reconcile with and offer them our apology for the hurt between us.

Can you think of a better way to celebrate during the Easter Season, new life; renewed life!


May God Be Praised.


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