Monday, March 25, 2024

Blog Post 3/25/2024 - Silver & Sorrow

“Lord, you know the burden of my sorrow.”  The Words of the Lord are true, like silver from the furnace. [Office of Readings 1/09/2024]

“A jeweler was visiting a silversmith, whose works she sold in her shop.  As he worked on a new piece, he showed her how the silver ore is held in the heat of the refining fire until it is purified. ‘How do you know when the ore has been in the fire long enough?’ she asked.  ‘…When the silver is fully refined, I can see my own image in it.  Then I know it has been in the fire long enough.’”  [Connections, August 21, 2011]

The Lord carries our Sorrows with us and when we see God’s image [His Cross & His Resurrection] in our actions and in our wills the Silver of Sorrow is fully refined.


May God Be Praised.