Saturday, October 28, 2023

Blog Post 10/28/2023 - Faith


Jesus said, this about the Roman centurion’s faith: “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.” How often do we spend time meditate on faith.

The Scriptures are the inspired Word of God, and we can rest upon faith upon God’s Word, trusting in the presence of God in our world and in our Church. Neither of those are easy that it is called a leap of Faith.  Faith is not about me, it is about God.  Maybe this analogy can help our reflection.

A Flyer and a Catcher enter the circus ring and greet the audience with smiles and movement that cause their wide silver capes to swirl about them.  They pull themselves up into the large net and start to climb rope ladders to positions high up in the big tent. 

As the Flyer swings away from the pedestal board, she somersaults and turns freely in the air, only to be safely grasped by the Catcher. 

The secret is for the Flyer to trust the Catcher to grasp them.  So, it is with God and us, we need to trust that the Lord will grasp us each time we fly into His arms.  God longs for us to fly to His loving embrace, fly now, fly tomorrow and one day fly into eternity with the Lord.

We are part of God’s great design, fly with God, God will catch you and take care of the you.


May God Be Praised.

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