Friday, June 16, 2023

Blog Post 6/16/2023 Litany of the Sacred Heart


Litany of the Sacred Heart


Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy

Christ, have mercy Christ, have mercy

Lord, have mercy Lord, have mercy

God our Father in heaven have mercy on us

God the Son, Redeemer of the world have mercy on us

God the Holy Spirit have mercy on us

Holy Trinity, one God have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, Son of the eternal Father have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit

in the womb of the Virgin Mother have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, one with the eternal Word have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, infinite in majesty have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, aflame with love for us have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, source of justice and love have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, well-spring of all virtue have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, patient and full of mercy have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, generous to all who turn to you have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holiness have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, source of healing have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, sharer in our sorrow have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, safe-guarder of the vulnerable have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, friend of the betrayed have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, companion of the ignored have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, face of the misjudged have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, memory of the disbelieved have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, true voice in the silence have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, wounded by our failings have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, bearer of our sufferings have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, acquainted with grief have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, atonement for our sins have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, overwhelmed with insults have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, broken for our sins have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, obedient even to death have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, pierced by a lance have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, our life and resurrection have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, our peace and reconciliation have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, victim for our sins have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, salvation of all who trust in you have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, hope of all who die in you have mercy on us

Heart of Jesus, delight of all the saints have mercy on us

Lamb of God, you take away

the sins of the world have mercy on us

Lamb of God, you take away

the sins of the world have mercy on us

Lamb of God, you take away

the sins of the world have mercy on us


Jesus, gentle and humble of heart.


Touch our hearts and make them like your own.



Let us pray.

Father, we honor the heart of your Son broken by man’s cruelty, yet symbol of love’s triumph, pledge of all that man is called to be.

Teach us to see Christ in the lives we touch, to offer him living worship by love-filled service to our brothers and sisters.  We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord




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