Sunday, January 1, 2023

Blog Post 1/01/2023 - We have much to be grateful for!


We have much to be grateful for!

We have many reasons for HOPE, despite the bad news we hear on tv, read on the Internet or in the newspaper.  In Jesus will realize this TRUTH – God loves us and refuses to give up on us.  He came to show us God’s love and He came in person to do that.   

This year filled with the HOPE in God’s Promises let us do as St. Francis de Sales recommends - “Live Jesus” TODAY!

Yesterday is gone [and so is last year] and tomorrow is not here yet, and when it gets here it is TODAY!  So, live TODAY with HOPE in God, it is a very good way to live.


May God Be Praised.


  1. Super great idea to live each day. I hope to use it throughout 2023.
