Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Blog Post 11/29/2022 – Advent Sojourn - Anger


Maybe this Advent we should work on the anger that lies in waiting to urge us to act in an unkind way toward someone.  St. Francis de Sales “… when you are conscious of an angry act, atone for the fault by … [an] act of meekness towards the person who excited your anger.  It is a good remedy for anger to make immediate amends by some opposite act of meekness.   There is an old saying, that fresh wounds are soonest closed.  Moreover, when there is nothing to stir your wrath, lay up a store of meekness and kindliness, speaking and acting in things great and small as gently as possible.”

You might ask how, then, can I deal with anger?

Anger lies beneath the surface before it urges us to act, one way to tame it is each time anger incites us to act take a deep breath and ask God for the grace of a gentle response.


May the Gentle Grace of God be with you today, allow it to guide your thoughts and actions.  de Sales offered us this advice, “True progress quietly and persistently moves along without notice.”


"Lord, may we praise You with our words, share You with our actions, and embrace You with our hearts & souls.  Give us the grace to look forward to Your return & be ready for it."  

May God Be Praised.

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