Thursday, November 17, 2022

Blog Post 11/17/2022 – Little Virtues that can make a Bog Difference

The spiritual life is not complicated, but it is difficult.  One way to help us focus on the ordinary of life is to live the Seven Salesian Virtues, they seem simple, but there are surprisingly hard to live each day, however, if you live them your life will be filled with glimpses of eternal joy and it will make a big difference.


Seven Salesian Virtues to make the ordinary, extraordinary
 1. Endure Patiently
 2. See the Bright Side
 3. Show Good Humor
 4. Stay Cheerfully Excusing
 5. Put on a Good Face
 6. Be Appreciative
 7. Speak Gently and Show Courtesy

May God Be Praised!


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