Monday, September 12, 2022

Blog Post 9/12/2022 - Remembering & Learning


Remembering 9/11/2001 [Twin Towers, The Pentagon & Flight #93], 12/07/1941 [Pearl Harbor], 11/22/1963 [Assassination of President Kennedy], 4/04/1968 [Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr] and most importantly the crucifixion of Jesus Christ circa. 33 A.D. is important only in what our memories lead us to do, how those memories inform our lives and our actions, or our lack of action.  What we learn from history and how it influences our life.


The Anniversary of 9/11 gives us the opportunity to ask ourselves two basic questions, 1. What kind of person am I and 2. What kind of nation are we?

On the evening of April 4, 1968, the evening of Dr. King’s assassination Robert F. Kennedy pointed out that moments like these are times for us to look inward and ask, “what kind of nation we are.”   He also said, “And even in our sleep,
 pain which cannot forget
 falls drop by drop upon the heart, 
until in our own despair, 
against our will,
 comes wisdom through the awful* grace of God.”  [Aeschylus]


The Greek playwright Aeschylus wrote about tragedy. “Wisdom through the awful grace of God” is a powerful insight into life itself.  We should reflect on the “awful grace of God”* assured that God’s Grace will not necessarily alter our life here, but it will carry us to the Joy of God’s love and care here and in eternity.



Our Lady of Perpetual Help intercede for us.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.

“Tune my spirit to the music of heaven.”  [St. Brendan the Navigator] 


Join me and pray to God for each problem we face and our world faces and plead to God for mercy and compassion, and the “awful grace”* to comfort one another. 

May we follow Your Light as we continue our earthly journey and prepare for the gift of eternal life.  Amen.

May God Be Praised.   


*awful in ancient Greek meant awe-inspiring or awesome


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