Saturday, May 21, 2022

Blog Post 5/21/2022 – Let the Holy Spirit Lead You


In the Book of Genesis we read, God breathed life into the nostrils of the first human creature making it into a living being.  In the Gospel read Jesus breathed on the apostles and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”  Jesus breathed the life of God into the apostles and into us.


The intimate life with God that original sin interrupted is restored, and in fact made more intimate because the Word of God became one of us; fully human while remaining fully God!


Remember Jesus tells us “Peace be with you.”  “The peace of Christ is realized in loving when it is most difficult to love, in putting aside our own disappointments and doubts for the sake of another, in forgiving when we are too angry or disappointed to forgive, in reaching out when we expect to be rebuffed or rejected.”  (Connections April 10, 2010)


The Risen Christ gives us His PEACE to help us and to help us help our world, allow the Holy Spirit to mold you, guide you and fill you with the peace of the Lord.


May God Be Praised!


  1. Beautiful post this morning Deacon George. Hope you and Joanne are doing well - God bless you both!❤️
