Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Blog Post 2/15/2022 – Faith


Remember in the Gospel when Jesus spoke after Lazarus died, He said, “Lazarus, come out” and Lazarus is raised from the dead.  The Raising of Lazarus from the dead reminds us that our life here has significance because it gives meaning to our life in the hereafter.

Life doesn’t end with death it is CHANGED!  We move from the land of the dying (where we are) to the land of the living (the goal of our journey).


William Barclay wrote, “(the) …very essence of faith (is to) believe what Jesus says is true.”  (vol 1, p.175)  And Rabbi Harold Kushner said, “Religion is not primarily a set of beliefs, a collection of prayers or a series of rituals.  Religion is first and foremost a way of seeing.  It can’t change facts about the world we live in, but it can change the way we see those facts, and that in itself can often make a difference.  (Who Needs God)


St. Francis de Sales in his Treatise on the Love of God wrote, “What is the prize if not Jesus Christ? How can you take hold of Him if you don’t follow Him.”

(Sermon in a Sentence, vol.2, p.86)


May each of us see with the eyes of faith and live the faith our eyes see.


Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.

May God Be Praised and your day be Blessed.






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