Friday, August 27, 2021

A Litany for Our Time


Lord God,

I Trust You in the Darkness and in the Light,

in the COVID Pandemic, and in the violence on our streets,

in the crosses I carry, and in the joy I receive,

in the blessings I am given, and in the prayers I offer,

in the hurts I suffer and in the burdens I bear,

in the waking of the morning, and in the depths of the night,

in the storms in my soul, and in the sorrow for my sins,

in joy for Your forgiveness, and in the tears of my grief,

in my delight, and most importantly, in the joy of The Eucharist, where my weary soul meets You and rests.

Amen.  [Dcn. George Kelly, A Litany for Our Time 2021]


St. Joseph, pray for us.

St. Andre Bessette, intercede for us. 

St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.

“Tune my spirit to the music of heaven.”  [St. Brendan the Navigator]


May God Be Praised. 



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