Saturday, May 15, 2021

Advice, Pride & Faith

Advice, Pride & Faith


St. Francis de Sales offers us this advice, "Always give good heed to the Word of God, whether you hear or read it in private, or hearken to it when publicly preached: listen with attention and reverence; seek to profit by it, and do not let the precious words fall unheeded; receive them into your heart as a costly balsam; imitate the Blessed Virgin who 'kept all the sayings' concerning her Son, ‘in her heart.’ And remember that according as we hearken to and receive God’s words, so will He hearken and receive our supplications."  [An Introduction to the Devout Life]


"The root of most problems, and the foundation of most sins, is pride....  Pride is the principal vice that turns the soul away from real relationship with God and into the superficiality of a perfunctory faith."  (Lift Up Your Heart, p. 33)


That’s Faith!


“There is a story about a Midwestern town that was experiencing a bad drought. Crops were dying, and the livelihood of the farm town was threatened.

A local pastor decided to hold a prayer service and asked all the townsfolk to come. They were instructed to bring with them symbols of their faith that God would deliver them.


People showed up with rosaries, statues of the Virgin Mary, crosses, prayer books, Bibles, crucifixes and even holy oil. All came forward and shared their symbol and prayed for God to send rain.

Finally, there was only one small girl left. Without any hesitation she came to the front and slowly opened her symbol of faith ... a brightly colored umbrella. She knew what it meant to expect something from God.”  [Sermons.Com]


Today Reflect on the advice you have offered or received, on the pride you have experienced or displayed and the faith you have witnessed or have shared.


St. Joseph, pray for us.

Saint Andre Bessette intercede for us.

May God Be Praised!



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