Thursday, January 28, 2021

A Daily Dose of God


St. Francis de Sales said, “It is a great evil to fail to do good.”  There are many ways we can show the light of Christ to the world.


"Our confidence in God must be founded on His infinite goodness and on the merits of the Passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, with this condition on our part: that we should preserve and recognize in ourselves an entire and firm resolution to belong wholly to God, and to abandon ourselves in all things, and without any reserve, to His Providence.


The virtues of abandonment and indifference reside in the higher region of our soul; the lower region, generally speaking, has nothing to do with them. We must remain at peace, and paying no attention whatever to what that lower nature desires, we must embrace the divine will and unite ourselves to it—whatsoever this may entail. There are very few persons who reach this height of perfect self-renunciation; nevertheless, we must all aim at it, each according to his little measure."  St. Francis de Sales, The Art of Loving God [pp22-23]




St. Francis de Sales gives us a powerful insight in his Treatise on the Love of God, “Great works do not always come our way but every moment presents us with opportunities to do little ones with excellence.” (T XII 6)





St. Augustine teaches us what love looks like, “"What does love look like?

It has the hands to help others.

It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy.

It has eyes to see misery and want.

It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men.

That is what love looks like."


So, we are called by God to love, today look for an opportunity to love God, by loving your neighbor in prayer, in action or in both.


Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saint Andre Bessette intercede for us.


May God Be Praised!