Friday, September 13, 2019

I received an e-mail message that was entitled "Things I Really Don't Understand."  
Let me share a few:
Why do doctors and lawyers call what they do practice?
Why is abbreviation such a long word?
Why is a boxing ring square?
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
How do they get the deer to cross the highway at those yellow signs?

These questions are lighthearted reminders that there are indeed a lot of things in this life that we just really don't understand.  For example, we don't really understand disease.  Why is a youngster perfectly healthy for 13 years of her/his life... and then suddenly just happens to be in a place where he/she encounters some germ or bacteria that invades their body and destroys it?

We don't understand accidents - they are random and indiscriminate.
You start out a day that is like any other day... and then something happens in a matter of seconds... and life is forever different.  We could go with our list... of things we don't really understand …. (Sermons.com10-16-2016)
Making your whole life a prayer is a terrific goal, Jesus doesn’t call us to constant prayer, rather He wants us to pray regularly, especially when it’s most difficult.

We need to pray with Hope, Trust and Openness to prepare our hearts, minds, souls and wills to walk with God each day.  Prayer is about a faithful relationship with God, one that helps us love God more deeply, believing that God is with us.

We are challenged to Trust in God’s Divine Providence even when the fog of sin hides it, the burdens we are asked to bear or the crosses we are given to carry are heavy.

Many of us have experienced that feeling - when faced with a dire situation and there’s nothing we can do to make things better.


But there is something we can do: Pray with Hope and Openness!  Moses sometimes needed help praying; sometimes we will need help praying.

May God Be Praised!

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