Isaiah [40]
reminds us to “Fear Not.” Our Responsorial
Psalm highlights the eternal dimensions of today’s feast, “The Lord will bless his people [you and me] with peace.”
We all long for peace.
is the fulfillment to the ancient longing for a Messiah, a Savior, a King of
cosmic proportions. The King, the Messiah bending His knee in the waters
of the Jordan to remind us humility is the path to God.
The Apostles were seeking
the Way, the Truth, and the Life - they found their answer in Jesus. Peter
teaches the members of Cornelius’ household that God was with Jesus and Jesus
wants us to walk with Him on our journey.
is Baptized to show us we should submit our egos, our wills, and our desires to
God’s Will. The GOOD Jesus wants us to seek is not relative to our personal
ideas/tastes, BUT it is woven into the fabric of life by God, by God Who is the
GOOD. The Holy Spirit guides in the Way, the Truth, & the Life but that does
not mean life is a walk in the park “… Christ
did not arrive to erase our troubles but to join us in them, to be a quiet
light in our darkness….” [Sunday
Website, John Foley, SJ 01/03/2021]
is THE LIGHT* in the darkness of violence, economic problems, moral decline, death,
and all of life’s crosses. Christ is our LIGHT in the bright spots of our
lives: a baby born, a new job, a scientific discovery, a recovery, a helping
hand, in all of life’s joys. Saint Teresa of Calcutta asked, “Will you collaborate with God so He can use you to do
His work here on earth?”
Christmas Season ends today, but the work of Christmas begins. Dr. Howard
Thurman’s beautiful and powerful words give us insight into how Christmas
“When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flocks,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken hearted,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers [& sisters],
To make music in the heart.”
and You cared for Me, Homilies and Reflections Cycle B]
We like
the people in Jesus’ time “… are filled with
expectation…” and we believe Jesus
that You are the one - You will never abandon us.
year may we remember:
To Adore
To Love
& To
Follow You!
For a
few minutes, in silence, reflect on how you will Adore, Love and Follow Jesus
[Lord and Savior]?
May God
Be Praised.
*You can find Kelly
Latimore’s work at