Today we remember the Magi bring their gifts to the Baby Jesus. Brother
Guy Consolmagno, S.J. Director of the Vatican Observatory said this about the
Star of Bethlehem which guided the Three Kings. “We can see the star. We
can’t see Jesus. We can see the star. We can’t see God. We can see something in
the universe that is beautiful and seemingly eternal. And to know that that’s
not God, but something pointing us to God, is very encouraging.”
Jesus is the fulfillment to the ancient longing for a Messiah, a
Savior, a King of cosmic proportions: “Every nation on earth will adore you
Lord, every nation on earth will adore you, Lord!” In 1960 the musical “Camelot” based on a 1958
novel, “The Once and Future King.”
One of the songs in the musical was “Camelot”, and the final
stanza is: “… there’s simply not A more congenial spot, For
happily-ever-aftering, Than here in Camelot.”
That song tries to
answer our deepest longings, to be loved and to live happily ever after.
The Epiphany is the real answer to our deepest longings and
desires, as we celebrate the Manifestation of the Lord, The Epiphany of the
Lord. Let’s take a few minutes to
reflect on “The three gifts of the magi [they] are a Gospel unto themselves:
gold, the precious basis of the world’s economies; frankincense, the fragrant
resin burned in the temple as an offering of prayer; myrrh, the expensive plant
extract used as medicine & for the embalming of royalty.” [Connections,
The Magi were seeking the Way, the Truth and the Life. They found the answer in Jesus. They represent the journey, the
journey that each of us takes.
There are two places in the Gospel where Jesus is called King,
one when the Magi visit and the other when Jesus is crucified. Today we recall
the gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh may we also reflect upon the wood of
the Cross upon which our salvation rests.
May God Be Praised.